Blogs » Entertainment » Battle Mage Build: A Fusion of Magic and Melee

Battle Mage Build: A Fusion of Magic and Melee

  • Battle Mage Build: A Fusion of Magic and Melee

    For those seeking a hybrid approach, the Battle Mage build combines the fire-wielding prowess of New World coins the Flamethrower with the melee capabilities of a two-handed weapon.

    Recommended Skills:

    Flamethrower: Scorch enemies in a cone in front of you, dealing continuous damage.

    Burnout: Stun and damage enemies while gaining a brief burst of movement speed.

    Incinerate: Apply the Weaken debuff while dealing damage over time.

    Recommended Weapon:

    Two-handed weapon of your choice: The Great Axe offers crowd control and damage, while the Hammer provides stuns and burst damage.

    Recommended Attributes:

    Focus: Prioritize Focus for mana management and critical strike chance.

    Constitution: Invest some points in Constitution for increased survivability.

    Final Thoughts

    Mastering the mage class in New World requires understanding the synergies between different weapon combinations, specialization trees, and attribute allocations. Experiment with different builds, consider the situation you're facing, and adapt your tactics to unleash the true power of the arcane arts.

    If, like me, you prefer to wield a sword with the Battle Mage, here's how your specialization tree should look on Sword Master (left) and Defender (right).

    In conclusion, as I always emphasize, use what you enjoy. New World allows for this flexibility in numerous ways. The ability to switch between weapons, such as picking up a bow for hours and then seamlessly transitioning to a Fire Staff, is a testament to the game's adaptability. These beta builds should, unless stated otherwise by Amazon Games, remain viable options for your use when the game officially releases on September 28th, 2021. Regardless of your choice, it's essential to recognize the versatility the Ice Gauntlet brings to almost any mage-oriented build. I foresee a potential nerf due to its potent slow-down capabilities and dodge prevention. However, time will tell, so for now, unleash chaos on your enemies with it!

    Whether you engage in PvP or not, resource shortages, especially when crafting weapons, can be a common challenge. Fortunately, we've got you covered. You can conveniently acquire affordable New World coins right here. It's a secure and swift solution that will save you a significant amount of time.

    "But wait, what is New World anyway?"

    For those unfamiliar with the title, let us enlighten you. Amazon's New World is the latest MMORPG that caters to both casual and hardcore gamers, boasting visually pleasing graphics and design.

    The game promises a captivating open world filled with excitement and endless possibilities for players to cheap New World gold build, craft, battle, and explore as adventurers stranded on the supernatural island of Aeturnum.